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adipati cambridge bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "adipati cambridge"
  • The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge had three children.
    Adipati dan Istri Adipati Cambridge memiliki tiga anak.
  • Sidney Herbert served as honorary secretary of the fund and the Duke of Cambridge was chairman.
    Sidney Herbert menjadi sekretaris honorari dana, dan Adipati Cambridge menjadi ketua.
  • Kensington Palace announced on 4 September 2017 that the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge were expecting their third child.
    Istana Kensington mengumumkan pada tanggal 4 September 2017 bahwa Adipati dan Istri Adipati Cambridge sedang hamil anak ketiga mereka.
  • The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge returned to Great Britain, where they lived at Cambridge Cottage, Kew, and later at St. James's Palace.
    Adipati dan Istri Adipati Cambridge kembali ke Britania Raya, dimana mereka tinggal di Cambridge Cottage, Kew, dan kemudian di Istana St James.
  • While on the second Monday The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge attended the championships, while on a private visit.
    Pada hari Senin minggu kedua, datanglah Adipati Cambridge, bersama dengan Duchess of Cambridge bersamaan dengan kunjungan pribadi mereka, dan mereka menonton ketiga pertandingan yang dimainkan di Centre Court.
  • On 29 April 2011, the day of his wedding, it was announced that Prince William was to be created Duke of Cambridge, Earl of Strathearn and Baron Carrickfergus.
    Pada 29 April 2011, hari Pernikahan Pangeran William, diumumkan bahwa ia akan diberi gelar Adipati Cambridge, Earl Strathearn dan Baron Carrickfergus.
  • As President of the Football Association, Prince William, Duke of Cambridge would normally attend the final, presenting the trophy to the winning captain at the conclusion of the game.
    Sebagai Presiden Asosiasi Sepak Bola Inggris, Pangeran William, Adipati Cambridge biasanya akan menghadiri final, menyerahkan trofi kepada kapten pemenang pada akhir pertandingan.
  • On 6 November 2011, it was announced that the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge would move from their temporary residence of Nottingham Cottage on the Kensington Palace grounds, to the four-storey, 20-room Apartment 1A, formerly the residence of Princess Margaret.
    Pada tanggal 6 November 2011, diumumkan bahwa Adipati Cambridge dan istrinya akan pindah dari kediaman sementara mereka di Nottingham Cottage di lahan Istana Kensington ke Apartmemen 1A dengan empat lantai dan 20 kamar.
  • From 1818 until the accession of Queen Victoria, and the separation of the British and Hanoverian crowns in 1837, the Duchess of Cambridge lived in Hanover, where the Duke served as viceroy on behalf of his brothers, George IV and William IV.
    Dari 1818 sampai aksesi Ratu Victoria dan perpisahan mahkota Britania Raya dan Hannover pada 1837, Istri Adipati Cambridge tinggal di Hannover, dimana Adipati menjabat sebagai viceroy atas nama saudara laki-lakinya, George IV dan William IV.